so my classmate told me something.
that a lot of people were actually put a hope on me to love them. i just couldn't see them. idk how the hell should i feel about this.
stuck in another bullshit called lyfe. :|
so my classmate told me something.
that a lot of people were actually put a hope on me to love them. i just couldn't see them. idk how the hell should i feel about this.
stuck in another bullshit called lyfe. :|
most loveable things are when she's sad over you, when she asks for your hug, when she text u all the time, when we walk together and she starts to talk about everything, when she calls you in the middle of the night. i found that sweet wkwk its so stereotypic but sentiment.
app hapeku ya yang bisa nulis nulis panjang saja macam, tapi twitter terbatas hanya 140 karakter. jadi ya radarada terbatas nulisnya. kalo mo nulisnya bagus ya harus pake lappy memang -_-' app blogger untuk android ga bisa ngatur letak foto gitu jadi aga repot kalo mongepos pake gambar kayak meme yang mewakili perasaan *ciahhh . sama tumblr juga kek gitu wkwk susah ngatur letak fotonya. tapi bisa sedikit |ngomong apa sih -_-|
ya gitu wkwk. udah. kalo mo nulis bagusnya di laptop.. kenapa ga gw bilang di pc karena kalo pake pc nulisnya repot. masa harus pulang dulu terus nulis. kan kalo pake laptop, kalo uda dapat checkpoint uda bisa langsung nulis tapu lappy lagi rusak so ya. thats it wkwk w lagi nulis pake hape ini.
itu gambar kedua maksudnya apaan yak wkwkwk
kesimpulannya ya simple letak foto dan view blog ga bisa diatur kalo pake app blogger di hape tapi selebihnha bagus kok